The invasions of Grenada and Panama during the 1980s and the Persian Gulf War in 1991 were military successes, but disastrous media failures. In part, the failures were a result of military restrictions on access but the media did not react to these official constraints by moreaggressive investigative and reporting efforts in areas open to them, nor did they struggle very energetically to get the restraints removed.In the cases of Grenada and Panama, once the great military triumphs over two of the tiniest countries in the world were completed, and officials turned their attention elsewhere, the mainstream media dutifully did the same.
The Persian Gulf War was a larger-scale effort, with international dimensions, and its preparation and the war itself were of longer duration, even though the imbalance of forces between the West and Iraq was overwhelming. This meant that there was more room for debate and public discussion before the outbreak of hostilities. The main attention in what follows will be on this early period in which the media could have fostered a democratic debate on issues of war and peace.
Phase l - August 2, 1990 through January 15, 1991 |
Following the occupation of Kuwait by Iraq on August 2, 1990,
the Bush administration very quickly decided to use this invasion
Bush's and the security state's political advantage by compelling
Hussein to leave Kuwait in total defeat and humiliation ("with
tail between his legs," in Defense Secretary Dick Cheney's memorable
phrase), This required fending off all attempts at a negotiated
that would have allowed Saddam a dignified exit, and readying
the public for war.
The media's role was crucial. The Reagan-Bush administration
had actively supported Iraq's aggression against Iran, 1980-88
subsequently the Bush administration continued to aid and appease
Saddam Hussein through July 31,199O. On July 25,1990, a week before
the invasion, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie had assured
that the United States had "no opinion" on his conflict with Kuwait
which was "Arab" business. And on July 31, John Kelly, the highest
ranking Bush official directly concerned with Middle Eastern affairs,
told a congressional committee that this country had no obligation
defend Kuwait. Numerous CIA alerts that Iraq was massing troops
Kuwait's border and that an invasion was imminent did not cause
Bush administration to issue a word of warning. This was either
entrapment or colossal incompetence and blundering. It was important
for Bush's freedom of action that his virtual go-ahead to the
invasion, and the prior appeasement policy, be buried. The media
As Bush was allegedly taking a high moral stance against "naked
aggression," it was also important that the background of Reagan-Bush
support of Iraq's aggression against Iran be ignored. Furthermore,
than a year before Iraq's invasion, the Bush administration had
Panama, in violation of the UN and OAS Charters and in the face
of a
UN oppositional majority, vetoed by the United States. South Africa
been ordered to leave Namibia by UN and World Court orders from
1968, and it regularly invaded Angola from Namibia from 1975 into
1980s. But Reagan-Bush policy in that case was "quiet diplomacy"
"constructive engagement," with the United States supporting a
between South Africa's gradual withdrawal from Namibia and the
departure of Cuban troops from Angola. Israel, also, was in long-standing
violation of Security Council orders to leave the occupied territories,
which led to no cutbacks in massive U.S. aid, let alone sanctions
or bombing. Attention to these double standards would have called
question the purity of Bush's insistence that aggression could
never be
allowed to stand or to pay. The media obliged by rarely, if ever,
these matters to surface.
Similarly, the United States had long failed to meet its legal
obligations to UN financing, had withdrawn from UNESCO, and was
far and away the dominant user of the veto against UN attempts
oppose violations of international law. It simply ignored a 1986
Court decision that its attacks on Nicaragua constituted an "unlawful
use of force." In the case of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, however,
the Soviet veto and military capability no longer an obstruction,
United States was able to mobilize the UN to attack this particular
violator. The double standard here, and the turnabout in treatment
UN authority, were dramatic, but were essentially ignored in the
mainstream media, which reproduced the U.S. official view that
UN was finally resuming its proper role in maintaining the peace
In addition to the decontextualization of issues just described,
Bush administration depended heavily on mass-media cooperation
its various strategies for mobilizing consent, all of which involved
use of traditional propaganda techniques. One technique was the
demonization of Saddam Hussein, who, like Qadaffi and Manuel Noriega
earlier years, was made into the embodiment of evil and "another
Hitler." Effective propaganda here required that the mass media
the propaganda claims and disclose the evidence of the new villain's
evil acts, but avoid mention not only of any positive features
of his rule,
but the fact that the villain was for a long time nurtured by
the U.S.
government as a valuable ally, and treated with parallel apologetics
the mainstream media (a "pragmatist," with the evils now featured
glossed over). Demonization was accompanied by new atrocity stories,
often inflated and sometimes wholly fabricated. A classic was
alleged Iraqi removal from incubators of several hundred babies
Kuwaiti hospitals following the occupation. This story, created
by a
Kuwait-financed propaganda operation, was accepted and transmitted
without verification by the mainstream media, and was still repeated
by CNN and others long after it had been shown to be a complete
An important part of the Bush war program was to place a large
U.S. contingent in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Middle East,
get the media focused on military maneuvers and to bond them and
the public with our fighting men facing a ruthless enemy. This
accomplished, first, by claiming that Iraq was planning to invade
Arabia. This claim was a propaganda lie, as Iraq not only denied
such intention, it had insufficient troops and supplies for such
operation, and such action would have been a suicidal declaration
war against the United States. The U.S. mainstream media nevertheless
accepted the offtcial version without question and quickly urged
vigorous military action against Iraq.
Having gotten a large U.S. force in place, the Bush team enlarged
it substantially immediately after the November elections. With
boys" over there, the media cooperatively spent a large fraction
of their
organizational resources in exploring military deployments, possible
scenarios of war, and the conditions and opinions of our boys.
This not
only diverted attention from real issues, it readied the public
for war.
The most important official lie and greatest media service to
War policy was on the question of diplomacy. It was crucial to
the Bush
strategy that a diplomatic solution be averted - as noted by Thomas
Friedman in the New York Times of August 22, 1990, the dipIomatic
track must be blocked lest negotiations "defuse the crisis" while
allowing Iraq "a few token gains." The administration therefore
subverted an early Arab effort at resoIution of the crisis. Iraq
itself, taken
aback by the Bush administration's furious reaction, made at least
diplomatic approaches and proposals, all summarily rejected by
United States. The French and Russians also tried to open
diplomatic lines, to no avail. In this process, the mainstream
not only served administration policy by giving these diplomatic
and their immediate summary rejection by the United States minimal
attention, in the end, when the Bush administration kept repeating
the United States had tried and exhausted the diplomatic option,
media accepted this lie as true.
The significance of this Big Lie and its media support is highlighted
by a national public opinion poll reported in the Washington Post
January 11, 1991, which indicated that two-thirds of the public
favored a conference on the Arab-Israeli conflict if that would
lead to
an Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait. The poll was biased against a
positive response, as it indicated that the Bush administration
opposed to the proposal. As it happens, about one week earlier
diplomatic proposal had been floated by the Iraq government, supported
by the Iraqi democratic opposition, which embodied the elements
of the
resolution supported by at least two-thirds of the U.S. public.
The Iraqi
proposal was flatly rejected by the Bush administration, and went
unreported by the U.S. mass media. That is to say, the media suppressed
and failed to allow or encourage a debate on a political solution
favored by
the public; instead it allowed the administration to pull the
country into war,
based on a media-sustained lie that all the diplomatic routes
had been exhausted.
It was important for Bush's freedom of action that his virtual
go-ahead to the invasion, and the prior appeasement policy, be
buried. The media obliged. |
Demonization was accompanied by new atrocity stories, often inflated
and sometimes wholly fabricated. |
In the end, when the Bush administration kept repeating that the
United States had tried and exhausted the diplomatic option, the
media accepted this lie as true. |
The War - January 16 through February 27,1991 |
During the War proper, access to military personnel was closely
controlled by a pool and censorship system, causing exceptional
reliance on government handouts. The aim was to get the media
focus on the new weaponry, to convey the image of a clean war,
minimize images of human suffering, and to give the impression
warmakers in excellent control of the situation.
The result was one of the great successes in the history of war
propaganda. The media were incorporated into a system of serious
censorship with only mild protests, focused throughout on precisely
what the censors wanted them to, and helped produce a genuine
hysteria. The control of information by government "couldn't have
been better," stated Michael Deaver, the number two image-making
official in the Reagan administration. Douglas Kellner, in his
examination of media coverage, concludes that the mainstream
[P]resented incredible PR for the miIitary, inundating
the country with images of war and the new high-tech
military for months, while the brutality of war was
normalized and even glamorized in the uncritical media
coverage. Throughout the Persian Gulf TV War, the
culture of militarism became US mainstream culture
after a period when war and the military were in disfavor.
During the War, the media passed on innumerable rumors and
official and unofficial fabrications concerning Iraqi atrocities,
the size
of Iraq's forces in Kuwait and chemical and other arms capabilities,
alleged exclusive Iraqi responsibility for oil spills, the number
of Iraqi
hostages taken from Kuwait in the final Iraqi exodus, and the
of U.S. targeting and "turkey shooting. "Although it was clear
official statements during the War that the United States was
deliberately destroying the infrastructure of Iraq beyond military
necessity, the media
never picked this up or discussed its compatibility with the UN
or international law and morality. When U.S. officials adamantly
that an infant-formula milk factory destroyed in Baghdad actually
biological weapons, the U.S. media accepted this as true, despite
fact that Peter Amett's and Iraqi officials' denials were confirmed
numerous independent sources.
When the U.S. military engaged in its final orgy of massacre on
the Highway of Death, destroying many thousands of fleeing Iraqi
soldiers and, almost surely, thousands of Kuwaiti hostages and
refugees, the U.S. media provided an apologetic cover: averting
eyes to a maximum degree; failing to discuss the use of napalm,
fragmentation bombs, and fuel air bombs; stressing that the fleeing
Iraqis were "looters" and ignoring the large numbers of hostages
refugees slaughtered along with the Iraqis (although they had
close attention to the earlier claims of Iraqi hostages taken
Kuwait); repeating the official explanation that it was important
destroy Iraq's military capability, while failing to note the
limited UN
mandate and international law condemning the slaughter of completely
helpless and fleeing soldiers and burying large numbers of them
unmarked graves. After discussing what he calls "probably the
appalling episode" in the War, and quoting an Air Force officer
that "it
was close to Armageddon," Kellner says: "And that's it. Armageddon
for the Iraqis but no details, no follow ups, and certainly no
The control of information by government "couldn't have been better,"
stated Michael Deaver, the number two image-making official in
the Reagan administration. |
And that's it. Armageddon for the Iraqis but no details, no follow
ups, and certainly no outrage. |
The Aftermath - February 28, 1991 28,199l to the Present |
The euphoria following the pulverizing of a completely over-matched
Third World country continued for some months, but eventually
faded as neglected internal problems came to the fore later as
results of the War came under closer scrutiny. Belated attenton
given to the earlier appeasement policy and the Bush administration's
role in building up Saddam Hussein's military establishment, although
almost nothing was said of the administration's virtual enticement
Iraq to invade Kuwait and its subsequent complete refusal to allow
diplomatic resolution of the conflict. The fact that the "allied"
effort stopped short of removing "another Hitler," but left him
just enough arms to crush dissident and oppressed Kurds, Shiites,
any democratic opposition, was noted, but its full implications
not discussed. There was some slight publicity given to the fact
Bush and the CIA had encouraged the Kurds to fight, but virtually
was given to the administration's refusal to provide arms to those
fighting Saddam Hussein.
The fact that the United States was again selling arms to the
Middle East on a massive scale was barely noted in the media,
and was
certainly not contrasted with earlier pious claims about bringing
a new
era of peace to that area. The media touched lightly on the fact
that the
fight for principle did not include bringing democracy to Kuwait
Saudi Arabia, and little attention was paid to the retaliatory
killings in
Kuwait, which may have exceeded the inflated and indignantly publicized
executions in Kuwait by Iraq .
Most notable in the aftermath coverage was the continued attention
to Iraq's obstructions and refusals to allow inspections, over-flights,
and destruction of its military resources. This was the basis
the continued limitations on Iraqi trade and oil sales, and made
difficult its recovery from the "near apocalyptic conditions"
by a UN team in June 1 9 9 1 . In perfect accord with the U.S.
policy agenda, the media paid almost no attention to Iraqi civilian
hunger, sickness and death, but focused unrelentingly on Iraq's
foot-dragging on weapons control.
In sum, in the three phases of the Persian Gulf War, U.S. mass-media
coverage was to an extraordinary degree a servant of official
In the crucial months before the War, the mainstream media allowed
themselves to be managed in the service of war mobilization, and
to provide the factual and opinion basis for public evaluation.
Then and
later the mass media served ongoing government policy, not the
democratic polity.
-Journal of International Affairs, Summer 1993
Edward S. Herman is a leading economist, media scholar, and dedicated
radical democrat. His book Triumph of the Market (in which this essay appears) is available from Black Rose Books.
You can also buy this book online right now.
Edward S. Herman