blue henry
Peter Damian Bellis
... he could actually see
the thin, dark shadow of a Winchester stretching out before him, the sky
becoming a deep, dark, blood-smeared red, and on the road he could see
the unaware Mr. Cavanaugh grease-dusting the countryside in a black I-talian
two-seater, a convertible, cloth covered seats, also black, the hum of
the engine drifting up through the air, the smell of gasoline, of metal,
then a crcrcrcraaaackckck, the body stiffening, lurching forward, the automobile
lurching forward also, then the body tumbling to the bloodblackening ground,
the body broken now, twisted, lying in the ditch, and the automobile also
lying in the ditch, also twisted, the wheels spinning, spinning, the air
growing heavy with darkness and smoke, and then the wheels not spinning.