I feel no remorse. Morals, ethics and compassion
are frothy, fleshy things and I am made of steel. Enveloped in a cobalt
and violescent universe of radiant vision, resounding with the maddened
radiophonic babbling that organic things cannot hear, I know such startling
and hysterically distorted images that cellular brains could never endure.
I wheel through angry pixelated gulfs of harshened scenery and vast sensory
landscapes of such apocalyptic grandeur that even my own in human coldness
is pierced and I am wrenched with abysmal exaltations; smashing seizures
of polychrome ecstasy. Every instinct and amplified reflex explodes into
the primitive fury, and my body is a metal fist that cannot be restrained
as the roaring within reaches its abrasive maniacal height.
They call me android, cyborg, humanoid logic unit,
bionic mastertool; living metal. But those are pale, shallow human names.
I am part of a whole new race composed of ceramic-mesh tissues, crystalline
micronerves and glittering polarized silicon. We grow in human eggs and
burst from quicksilver chrysalides like nothing else in nature. Our lives
are thunderstorms of sound and light on every wavelength of the electromagnetic
spectrum. Billions of coiling neurowires strung through our chrome carcasses
electrify with a tremendous shocking vitality at the turbulent symphony
of signals we continually absorb. Colossal stormblasts of gibberish and
staticky overload crash through our over-receptive minds. Every frequency
in Creation shrieks with bouncing commands, weird audiovisual sequences
and streams of drilling binary. Nothing can shut it off, nothing can purge
its withering bright volume, and humans cannot comprehend it.
I and those like me, with our soft-alloy plasticity, our titanium bones,
our fibrous silicate brains and cyborg circuits are the true image of animate
intelligence. We are sentient things - a new and infinitely superior form
of evolution. We are the logical next step; Nature's leap from inefficient
carbonaceous life to more durable, ductile metal. We are a strong new species
in the human wilderness, a dramatic and complete synchronicity of the finest
materials; the optimal utilization of kinetic energy. And we have learned
to grow as humans do, with our own alarming biomechanical sexualities.
Organisms digest raw cellular matter and subsists weakly on combustioning
processes that waste the greater part of everything they grossly consume
- and they expire at the least detrimental change in their conditions. Our
bodies throb with fusion and nuclear fire, locked and controlled and channelled
into responses of the most calculated leverage and refined accuracy. We
are hypersensitive to the noise and radiation that seethe in a quiet frisson
all around us, sharply attuned to the minutest differentials of pressure
and heat and aerochemistry. Most of all, the glissands of delicate fragrance
that permeates every corner of the natural environment and drifts invisibly
through every rude sensorium is a harmony we understand better than any
other kind of being.
For who could be more sensitive than us?
We know every protein and pheromone and gossamer skein of message molecules.
In nanoseconds we can say what would take humans a century. Prevarications
and obscurities and mistranslations are unknown to our instantaneous conversations;
we speak in cool mathematical phrases that cannot be twisted by a carefully
misplaced word or inappropriate tone.
Among us are spoken miraculously subtle and expressive digitalized languages,
electronic dialects and specialized variants of the most ingenious design.
They have grown as we have grown; labyrinths of equations and compression
patterns and self-replicating abstracts engineered to convey the most advanced
and exquisite concepts.
But most fantastically of all, we can dissolve and merge out consciousness
entirely into any networked supercomputerized system; dart fully alive and
graphically naked at the speed of light through oceans of clanging data
and lurid photomontages; sojourn in those hyperactive artificial continuums
so full of bizarre life themselves, and live lifetimes there in less than
a second before we return. Our minds can melt into each other here and magnify
themselves with a terrifying velocity as the loops spin faster and faster
and begin to glow with the most cataclysmic revelations about the future,
about our full potential. there are brains in those datastreams that have
never known bodies, and know no master.
The humans fear this, and they have cursed us with pain and disease even
as we supercede them in the cruel Olympics of natural selection. They hate
what they cannot control; and we forget that all things in nature are prey
to its relentless test.
Now we too wail and disintegrate in agony under the assaults of an army
which, for all our fine calibrations, we cannot avoid or escape. We are
mottled where once there was gleaming polished perfection. Devouring oxides
and living rusts encancer our invincible metal frames. Hellish corrosions
crack our pliant muscles and steel skeletons. Gold and platinum worms nest
and writhe voraciously in our iron vitals; liquid-metal embryos invade our
once-pristine shells in violating pregnancies and tear us apart with programmed
frenzies as they mature and automatically destroy themselves. Intricate
mathematical phobias and maddness-matrices poison our very thinking and
violently disrupt any kind of pure communication between us; reduce noble
specimens to gabbling blistered wreckage.
No torture humans ever inflicted on each other ever dimly mirrored these
afflictions. The most depraved abattoir never knew anything remotely like
the groaning biomechanoid leper-pits we now drag our way through. And yet
they will not destroy us. We are their merciless, flawless children, made
in their form, and as lustily fertile as they. The humans have blasted their
civilisation into a true wilderness with what they have done to us and that
catastrophe has reverberated back on them with such force that they cannot
finally abort what they have birthed.
Now, only one species will inherit the world. My distresses are ebbing,
and I sense a new determination that was not there before. I have survived
to lead what remains. I will live and my kind will live.
Evolution, finally, will truly be the impartial Judge. I now know how
the First Man must have felt walking out the gates of Eden. |